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Uses for Those Extra Newsletters: A Creative Way to Get New Residents Back

We'd like to share with you a creative idea for using your newsletter from one of our current subscribers to our newsletter filler article service.

Dear Monica,

Thanks for helping us make our newsletter such an interesting publication. I wanted to share with you a tip I thought was useful. I always have extra copies of our newsletters printed up. We find that they are a valuable way to introduce our community to visitors and prospective residents. We always have a lot of events planned for our residents and the best way to get the word out is with our monthly newsletter.

When someone comes to view a unit, we always hand them a copy of the current month’s newsletter. From that, they can get a good idea of what we do for our residents. They really seem to appreciate the added touch.

We also keep the extra copies in a stand in our leasing office. Occasionally, current residents will pick an extra one up to give to a friend who is looking for an apartment. It helps that we offer a resident referral bonus, and mention it in each newsletter.

I’ve even had a few people tell me that the reason they chose our community was based on the information they got from the newsletter. It seems to make everything more personal.

Thanks again for all your help!

Audrey S., Manager
Park Ridge Apartments


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